Health warning issued after Edmonton Edo Japan worker tests positive for hepatitis A

Customers of two Edo Japan eateries in the Edmonton area were warned Tuesday they may have been exposed to hepatitis A last month after a food handler at the outlets tested positive for the illness.

Alberta Health Services said the risk of transmission to customers is low, but issued a public health alert as a precaution.

Hate: A Public Health Emergency

The massacre of 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando on June 12 is the latest manifestation of violence as a public health emergency. A public health emergency, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is “an occurrence or imminent threat of an illness or health condition, caused by epidemic... or ... highly fatal infectious agent ... that poses a substantial risk of a significant number of human facilities....” Violence is the “epidemic” and the “health condition” is disability, death, and trauma to families and neighborhoods.

Australian Mental Health Awards set to recognise and grow understanding of 'national emergency'

A nationwide search is underway to identify people who have made outstanding contributions to the promotion or prevention and treatment of mental illness.

Former governor-general Dame Quentin Bryce launched the inaugural mental health prize on Wednesday at the University of New South Wales (UNSW).

Red Tape Leaves Some Low-Income Toddlers Without Health Insurance

Many babies born to mothers who are covered by Medicaid are automatically eligible for that health insurance coverage during their first year of life. In a handful of states, the same is true for babies born to women covered by the Children's Health Insurance Program.

Yet, this approach is routinely undermined by another federal policy that requires babies' eligibility for these programs to be re-evaluated on their first birthday. Although they're likely still eligible for coverage, many of these toddlers don't get it because of a tangle of red tape.

New EEOC Rules Allow Employers to Pay for Employees’ Health Information

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provisions for employee wellness programs give employers the power to reward or penalize their employees based on whether they complete health screenings and participate in fitness programs. While wellness programs are often welcomed, they put most employees in a bind: give your employer access to extensive, private health data, or give up potentially thousands of dollars a year.

HHS Report Says Obamacare Plans Are Cheaper Than They Look

Obamacare health plans have been getting a bad rap this year. Critics say the premiums are too high, the out-of-pocket costs are out of control, and the requirements and red tape are too thick.
But now the Obama administration is pushing back.

A study released Tuesday by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services argues that the cost-sharing isn't nearly as heavy as previous analyses have shown, because most consumers get subsidies that limit their deductibles and copayments.

Pokémon Go may be the greatest unintentional health fad ever

Pokémon Go may be the biggest unintentional health fad ever.

Since launching last week, the augmented reality app has exploded in popularity. Free to download on your iPhone or Android, it uses location data from mobile phones to help users chase fictional Pokémon characters around their environs, which are displayed back on their phones. In one week, the app has already become so popular that it’s rivaling Twitter in terms of the volume of daily active users, Vox’s German Lopez writes in his indispensable Pokémon Go explainer.

Starbucks to give U.S. workers a raise that will boost compensation by 5% to 15%

Starbucks announced Monday that it will give its U.S. workers a raise that will boost compensation by 5% to 15%. That’s very cool.

The coffee giant also said it will offer employees more affordable health insurance that will cut costs by being less comprehensive.

Brexit may see Kiwi health system flush with UK workers

Medical recruitment agencies and immigration officials say there's been a huge upswing in interest and registrations from British doctors, nurses, and allied health staff keen to emigrate and work here as a direct result of Brexit.

Immigration NZ said it's website received an average of 5500 visits per day after the referendum vote a fortnight ago, compared to the usual daily average of just over 2000 visits. Registrations (seen as a more definite commitment for would-be migrants) are even higher.

Unusual Tips to Reversing Infertility and Get Pregnant Naturally In 60 Days


The video presentation shows some unique and rare tips on how to treat almost any type of infertility disorder and get pregnant naturally in just 60 short days even if you're on your late 30's or 40's. 

Revealed: Secret of the Most Effective Natural Breast Enlargement Techniques Unveils

Dear Friend,
If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. You have probably felt that no matter how great your figure is, how beautiful your hair might be, how successful you are in life, that something is missing!

What is Sexology

Sexology is the study of human sexuality in its many aspects. It is the scientific study of human sexuality, including human sexual interests, behaviors and functions.